Think and Grow Rich

Why Is It A Secret?

Why are principles of the philosophy for success considered secrets? The mastermind discusses this question today and together the participants realize that these straightforward steps to manifesting a dream into reality are secrets because they are not ordinarily identified or practiced.  Studying Napoleon Hill’s work helps open the mind to develop a state of mind that will automatically attract desired results.

Reflection Questions:

What are the dominating thoughts of my mind?

Do I act on them?

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The Law of Success, Think and Grow Rich

If They Can Do It, So Can You!

This morning, the mastermind discusses the pioneers of the world who succeeded against all odds.  These titans of industry were dreamers who used the straightforward principles listed in Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success and created extraordinary achievements.  It starts with an idea and having a burning desire for its achievement.  The eagerness to realize the object of the desire protects the mind from the “no can do” collective consciousness.

If the innovators and inventors of the world can use this mind technology to achieve the most complicated concepts then surely these same principles can be used to realize even the simplest of dreams.  The Millionaires In Training mastermind encourages us all to keep plugging into the system and following the teachings of the 20 year study that analyzed the behavior of the super wealthy.  Believing in and following the doctrine for success will no doubt advance us to the next level.

Join the Millionaires In Training mastermind Monday-Friday on Blog Talk Radio!  CLICK HERE to follow the mastermind and never miss a show.

Think and Grow Rich, Uncategorized

Sitting to Find the Secret

The goal is to take control over the faculties of our minds.  In order to do this we must first take control over our bodies.  Today, the mastermind discusses the power of meditation or sitting for at least 15 minutes without moving.  Many participants share that while it seems like an easy task it is actually a skill that is quite challenging to master.

Using this technique will put you on the journey to finding your secret.  Practicing this method of concentration and focusing on a single thought will prepare you for the great reveal of the dormant power within.

The Law of Success

Let the Results Speak For Themselves

“It is a well known fact that no man ever reached a high station in life without opposition of a violent nature from jealous and envious enemies.” (The Law of Success, pg 211, Vieux Edition) There will always be people around to tear you down and steal your dreams.  In the chapter on Self Control, Napoleon Hill explains that exercising self restraint despite opposition is the best way to continue to focus your energy on your definite purpose.

When you direct all of your attention to what you ultimately want striking back at the haters will be unnecessary as your results will speak for themselves.  The greatness that you produce will absolutely shut down all of the doubters and the cynics while you continue to walk the walk of a winner.

Reflection Questions:

Have I experienced opposition and exercised self control in response?

The Law of Success

Self Control Creates Options

Napoleon Hill describes even more practices of Self Control and explains the the consequences behind not having the habit.  As the discussion on the chapter continues amongst members of the mastermind, the group is enlightened of the opportunity or abundance of choice that is granted when exercising self control. Self control gives privilege to those who practice it and empowers individuals to feel confident and be fearless on the journey to getting exactly what is desired.

Reflection Question:

What does self control mean to me as a leader?

The Law of Success

Self Control Is Knowingness

Continuing the discussion on exercising self control, the mastermind identifies that controlling self allows an individual to have command over all situations, circumstances and events.  Self control comes from a place of knowingness or blind faith that you have the power to bring the object of your definite purpose into reality.  It is important to continuously think about what you want in order to develop the poise that will ultimately activate the Law of Attraction to work in your favor.

The Law of Success

Control and Confidence

A person with self-control is confident, likable and an overall calm individual.  The mastermind discusses the hard work it takes to maintain self control after reading Napoleon Hill’s story of the humiliation he felt after his inability to have command over his thoughts, actions and words.

The conversation about self control led to the recognition that having complete authority over your own mind means that you are self aware and self-assured. Your poise shows that because you have definite purpose you know without a shadow of doubt you will achieve and succeed.

Reflection Questions:

Do I believe that losing my temper means that I have lost control?  Do I believe that raising my voice means that I will gain control or that I am losing control?

How do I maintain poise or self control?

Leaders, Mastermind, Uncategorized

Walk Like You Want It

Once you have a goal that you believe will be achieved it is not so difficult to take immediate action to get what you want.  The Millionaires In Training are walking with faith, hope and purpose now that they are understanding the power of trusting their ability to carry out and achieve a task.  These leaders are walking like they want it and they are on their way to earning exactly what they desire.

Leaders, Mastermind, The Law of Success

Small Enough to Believe

The Millionaires In Training is in full effect today as the leaders of the group share their success techniques and know-how with other members who aspire to achieve their goals consistently.  Many of the mastermind participants have yet to experience great financial success because they are not following the Carnegie doctrine and the alliance is here to encourage and improve all member performance.

The advice for personal progress from the leaders is to dial back when it comes to goal setting.  Goals should be small enough to believe and big enough to excite.  Some participants of the mastermind fall short when attempting to believe in their goals and as a result they have not arrived to their desired destination.

Set yourself up for success by establishing goals that simply make you feel good because you absolutely know that you will attain them!  This will allow you to evaluate your values and focus on what you truly want in life.

The Law of Success

Building Enthusiasm

How do you feel an emotion that does not come naturally to you? The mastermind discusses Napoleon Hill’s formula for developing enthusiasm.  The author explains that scholars must read The Law of Success in its entirety, write out their definite purpose and read it/recite it aloud nightly.  Following these steps will allow an individual to clearly visualize the future they want for themselves and will have them feeling good about the goals they want to accomplish.

Napoleon Hill’s plan for enthusiasm ignites the tenacious spirit that will accelerate you all the way to the top.

Reflection Questions:

Do I believe that I can achieve my definite purpose?

Do I have my definite purpose written down? Do I read it out loud every day?

When I read my definite purpose is it with enthusiasm?
