Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Mannerisms Are a Reflection of the World Within

The discussion of the development of a pleasing personality continues as the Millionaires In Training explore the next 6 traits:

  1. Frankness of manner and speech
  2. Pleasing facial expression
  3. Keen sense of justice toward all people
  4. Sincerity of purpose
  5. Versatility
  6. Tactfulness in speech and manner

As we analyze each trait we begin to realize that all of these behaviors are a direct reflection of the world within.  Paradigms, past experiences and environment have shaped the way we interact with others and because of Napoleon Hill’s advisory we now have to self analyze and identify the behaviors that no longer serve our cause.  In doing this, many leaders see that their mannerisms and speech patterns give off an energy that effects the response of others.

If we want to have a greater impact on humanity by developing positive relationships with all walks of life, it is imperative that we take a look at our thinking and emotions because the ultimate goal is to make sure that we radiate with positivity from the inside out.

Reflection Questions:

Which trait would you use to make yourself that much better?

Which trait will play a significant role in your success?
