The Law of Success

Always a Student 

When learning information always remember to apply it to your life and stay humble as you grow from your experiences.  All true scholars of the philosophy for success remain apprentices and know that there is always more to learn.  Remain a student by focusing on the five basics and never forget to self – analyze so that you always know where you are in relation to where and who you want to be.

Reflection Question:

How do I know when I’m qualified to teach what I’ve learned?

The Law of Success

Imagination and Mental Attitude

Imagination and mental attitude go hand in hand.  If you have a positive mental attitude then your imagination will benefit you.  On the other hand, a negative state of mind will yield a bleak imagination that produces an undesirable outcome.

Napoleon Hill admonishes misuse of imagination like imagining getting something for nothing or assuming knowledge without experience or skill.  It is important to stay away from the negative mentality that causes the snowball effect of unproductive thinking and behaviors.  We do this by consistently self-analizing what causes or motivates us to take action and/or not take action. When we identify the triggers of advantageous and harmful attitudes and practices, we can then adjust our code of conduct toward being champions in our chosen field of endeavor.

Reflection Questions:

Have I misused my imagination to my detriment?

Have I used my imagination to my benefit?

Mastermind, The Law of Success


As the Millionaires In Training mastermind continues to turn their weaknesses into strengths today’s discussion goes back to the number one basic “Who do you listen to?”.  Defining wealth and how to accumulate it further validates the idea of finding a mentor who has what you want and has been where you are.  The individuals who have obtained wealth participate on the mastermind call because they understand that to live in abundance means that one must remain humble, teachable and continue to study and live by Andrew Carnegie’s philosophy.  They recognize that they do not know it all and have the courage to know more and be more. These are the leaders we need in our lives to guide us to the victory of living prosperous lives.

Reflection Questions:

What is my definition of wealth?

What is the ingredient to accumulate wealth?

Who do I listen to?

Does the person I listen to participate on the Millionaires In Training mastermind call?  How does this make me feel?


Morning Wake Up Call

Boy, did we get a Morning Wakeup Call on the mastermind today!! Although some of the words may have seemed harsh and a little too brutally honest it is important to monitor how you felt when you heard these words.  Examining our response or reaction to criticism is essential to knowing where we are mentally.  If you feel personally attacked or “hated on”, take a look inside and ask yourself if you are teachable and reflect on if your mind is filled with mostly negative or positive thoughts.

At the end of the day, the study of the philosophy for success is solely about you and your journey to achieve.  Focus on the basics:

  1. Who do I listen to
  2. Teachability Index
  3. Training Balance Scale
  4. 4 stages of learning

If you find that you need to make an adjustment for your own benefit and growth -Do so! Immediately. And don’t look back.  The point is to keep moving forward. Keep becoming a better you.  No man will have the power to keep you from the success that you deserve if you vow to never give up on yourself.

Reflection Questions:

Why do I get on the mastermind call?  Do I feel like I have to? Why?

How did I feel after today’s Wake Up Call?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Train Your Mind to Have a PMA!

If you want to do anything worth while learn to keep your mind positive at all times.  This is the instruction of Napoleon Hill who also suggests ways of developing a strong positive mental attitude.  Transmuting every situation, circumstance and event from negative to positive is the key to controlling the faculties of your mind so that you attract the things that you desire.

Getting to the higher level of thinking that follows natural laws requires us to create certain habits of altruism and integrity.  Also, it is important to self examine daily so that we can recognize if we are reacting or responding to adversity.  When we develop our ability to accurately identify every situation for what it is we will be able to maintain that positive mental attitude that will welcome a steady flow of positive results into our lives.

Reflection Questions:

How do I feel about meeting my future self?

How I develop the habits that Napoleon Hill suggests?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Personal Initiative

In a powerful message from Napoleon Hill’s rare recordings, the mastermind learns more detail about the action producing portion of the philosophy: personal initiative.  Hill encourages us all to take the following qualities and make them our own:

  1. Definite Purpose
  2. Adequate Motive
  3. Mastermind Alliance
  4. Self reliance
  5. Self discipline
  6. Persistence based on the will to win
  7. Well developed faculties of the the imagination
  8. Habit of forming definite and prompt decisions
  9. Habit of basing opinion on fact
  10. Capacity to generate enthusiasm
  11. Balancing passive enthusiasm vs controlled enthusiasm
  12. Tolerance
  13. Habit of doing more service than paid
  14. Tactfulness and keen sense of diplomacy
  15. Self analysis

These are the first 15 actions needed to take initiative and leadership of any situation.  The author’s teachings cause us to take a look at ourselves and identify our strengths and weaknesses.  Through honest self-examination we can develop the skill of taking personal initiative thus putting the attainment of our definite purpose in motion.

Reflection Questions:

How often do I display the above mentioned characteristics?  Are there any that I have yet to demonstrate?

Which characteristics am I good at?  Which one need improvement

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Mannerisms Are a Reflection of the World Within

The discussion of the development of a pleasing personality continues as the Millionaires In Training explore the next 6 traits:

  1. Frankness of manner and speech
  2. Pleasing facial expression
  3. Keen sense of justice toward all people
  4. Sincerity of purpose
  5. Versatility
  6. Tactfulness in speech and manner

As we analyze each trait we begin to realize that all of these behaviors are a direct reflection of the world within.  Paradigms, past experiences and environment have shaped the way we interact with others and because of Napoleon Hill’s advisory we now have to self analyze and identify the behaviors that no longer serve our cause.  In doing this, many leaders see that their mannerisms and speech patterns give off an energy that effects the response of others.

If we want to have a greater impact on humanity by developing positive relationships with all walks of life, it is imperative that we take a look at our thinking and emotions because the ultimate goal is to make sure that we radiate with positivity from the inside out.

Reflection Questions:

Which trait would you use to make yourself that much better?

Which trait will play a significant role in your success?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Pleasing Personality 

The Millionaires In Training mastermind further explores going the extra mile when the group discusses how to attract and work with others who also go the extra mile.  In his rare recordings, Napoleon Hill explains the importance of a pleasing personality and that you cannot do anything with it.  A pleasing personality is crucial to creating an alliance of individuals who all have the same belief in the principle of going the extra mile.  The author lists 25 traits that make up a pleasing personality.  The MIT mastermind has broken up the 25 traits into smaller groups so that each quality can be explored and discussed. The first 5 qualities for a pleasing personality are:

  1. positive mental attitude
  2. flexibility
  3. pleasing tone of voice
  4. tolerance/open mind
  5. keen sense of humor

Leaders on the call follow Hill’s instruction to take a personal analysis of the above mentioned characteristics and rate themselves from 0 – 100 on how well they display each behavior.  These Millionaires In Training are open and honest as they identify what traits need improvement.  Actively participating in this self analysis project clearly shows the growth in teachability of each individual.  Not only are these participants willing to learn more about the philosophy that will lead them to success, but they are also willing to work on themselves and make changes to improve the pleasing personality qualities that are less present in their overall demeanor.  Hearing these leaders discuss the next 20 traits will be interesting and informative but most of all will give these individuals insight that will allow them to unlock even more powers within.

Reflection Questions:

What does going the extra mile mean to me?

Which pleasing personality trait(s) do I need to work on?

Mastermind, Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Motivate Self and Others

Millionaires In Training are engaging in missions that are bigger than the individual.  To get to this point we must first analyze ourselves to know what our motive is.  After we become more in tune with ourselves we can tap into the spirituality of others in our organization and identify motives that help them take action toward the common goal.  If done with genuine effort, the hope for future achievement escalates and the vision for the future becomes even more promising.

Reflection Questions:

What is my definite purpose?

Do I have a mastermind?

Do I go the extra mile in my organization?

How can I motivate others?

Mastermind, The Law of Success

Understanding Self

The Millionaires In Training mastermind helps us all understand ourselves better and get to a higher level of trusting our ability to discern and recognize opportunity.  This alliance eliminates limiting beliefs and encourages the development of love for humanity.  Each member self analyizes daily because they know that in order to help others they must first help themselves.  The mastermind brings us together to generate new ideas thereby evolving individual growth and power.

Reflection Question:

How does the MIT mastermind make me feel?
