The Law of Success

Improving, Growing, Advancing

The mastermind is growing intellectually. More Millionaires In Training scholars know the Self Confidence Formula and the progress continues as they continue to learn and memorize the outline for all 16 lessons.

As these students sharpen their minds they are also preparing themselves for the new year.  The mastermind is very aware that in just a few weeks 2016 will be here and the leaders are ready to live out their imagination by using the information to catapult themselves to the next level of success.

Reflection Question:

What do I think about most of the time?

How am I going to use The Law of Success philosophy in the new year? What is my plan?


Mastermind, The Law of Success

Living By Principles Changes Lives

Living by the principles of The Law of Success is duplicatable.  As said repeatedly on the Millionaires In Training mastermind call, “what others have done you can do also.”  Anyone can evolve into their future self when the information is learned and applied.

More and more leaders are emerging as these individuals are beginning to live by certain principles and do things in a certain way.  These leaders see that being connected to a mastermind alliance only improves their performance as they chip away from the mold (or old blueprint) and change into the person they are meant to be.  Plugging into the mastermind everyday just makes life better!  And every day we see the vibrant spirit of the mastermind changing lives…it just keeps getting better and better!

Reflection Questions:

Do I believe that the MIT mastermind is changing my performance level?

Am I living by The Law of Success philosophy right now?

Mastermind, The Law of Success

Understanding Self

The Millionaires In Training mastermind helps us all understand ourselves better and get to a higher level of trusting our ability to discern and recognize opportunity.  This alliance eliminates limiting beliefs and encourages the development of love for humanity.  Each member self analyizes daily because they know that in order to help others they must first help themselves.  The mastermind brings us together to generate new ideas thereby evolving individual growth and power.

Reflection Question:

How does the MIT mastermind make me feel?

Level 1 Training - Kevin Trudeau, Level 2 Training - Kevin Trudeau, The Law of Success

Learn, Internalize, Apply, Repeat

The act of learning the philosophy for success activates it.  Every time we read books, listen to audios, attend meetings and give and get recognition we come to the understanding that we are creative beings who are capable of generating extraordinary things for ourselves.  Personal progress comes from studying and using the information over and over as we build pillars of belief on how the universe works and the relationship between man and the cosmos.

Spaced repetition of learning, internalizing and applying the information is the key to developing new principles that will change you are the better.  As you evolve, seemingly familiar information will have you realizing that you are continuously learning something new because every day your brain training is creating new thinking patterns.

The mastermind can only continue on to Level 2 training when the basics of Level 1 Training are truly understood.  Make sure you, as a participant in your own success, know the 4 basic concepts covered in Level 1 Training. Once you know the foundation, you can continue to build a belief system that will have you creating and drawing in opportunity that will achieve your definite purpose.

Reflection Questions:

What are the 4 basic concepts from Level 1 Training?

How do I come to recognize the foundation of Level 1 Training?

Can I see the 4 basic concepts in my life?
