
Appreciation for the Philosophy

The scholars of the mastermind discuss what it is to be gracious and show gratitude.  The Millionaires In Training realize that they have been granted an extraordinary opportunity because they are learning and growing from information of which not everyone has access.  Energy on this morning’s call is upbeat and participants of the mastermind feel excited to welcome newcomers to an environment that embraces a life changing philosophy.

Reflection Questions:

What actions does a grateful person take?

How do I create a welcoming environment for a newcomer?

The Law of Success

Know It and Use It!

The mastermind continues to grow as participants confidently answer questions about the information.  It feels good to learn the philosophy and put it to memory.  The next step is to use the knowledge of the principles to build the personal power needed to get exactly what we want.  It is clear that the mastermind is growing and its participants are participating in their own success.


Morning Wake Up Call

Boy, did we get a Morning Wakeup Call on the mastermind today!! Although some of the words may have seemed harsh and a little too brutally honest it is important to monitor how you felt when you heard these words.  Examining our response or reaction to criticism is essential to knowing where we are mentally.  If you feel personally attacked or “hated on”, take a look inside and ask yourself if you are teachable and reflect on if your mind is filled with mostly negative or positive thoughts.

At the end of the day, the study of the philosophy for success is solely about you and your journey to achieve.  Focus on the basics:

  1. Who do I listen to
  2. Teachability Index
  3. Training Balance Scale
  4. 4 stages of learning

If you find that you need to make an adjustment for your own benefit and growth -Do so! Immediately. And don’t look back.  The point is to keep moving forward. Keep becoming a better you.  No man will have the power to keep you from the success that you deserve if you vow to never give up on yourself.

Reflection Questions:

Why do I get on the mastermind call?  Do I feel like I have to? Why?

How did I feel after today’s Wake Up Call?

Mastermind, The Law of Success

Leadership Based On Definite Purpose 

Participants of the Millionaires In Training mastermind are evolving and you can hear the change on the morning wakeup call. You can hear the the manifestation of Napoleon Hill’s 17 principles through their voices.  Leaders are emerging from the study of the philosophy for success because these participants are basing their leadership role on a definite purpose. These conquerers have the courage to back up their purpose with action and it’s exciting to hear and watch their progression unfold.

The Law of Success

Keep Going, Keep Growing

The mastermind shows gratitude for the success secrets of highly effective people as they take personal responsibility for their own thinking and actions.  While reading the first principle in The Law of Success, Napoleon Hill calls us to action and encourages us to gain experience by physically responding to our goals, dreams and desires.

Don’t ever settle for your current position or situation.  There is always room for growth.  Millionaires In Training always find ways to continue to grow, evolve and create!

Reflection Questions:

What does the mastermind call mean to me?

What must I do when I find my definite purpose?  What is the next step?

Mastermind, The Law of Success

Successful Thinking 

One of the leaders of the mastermind followed The Law of Success principles and as a result he earned promotions in his business at an accelerated pace. Congratulations to this leader who used his thinking to realize success!  We look forward to watching you continue to grow.

For those of us who are trying to accomplish our goals, dreams and desires it is important to remain teachable and identify the people who have been where we are and have what we want.  The aforementioned leader has activated the law of increasing return because he knows how to harmonize with others, and has the ability to bring the best out of the people who work in his organization.  We can all take a page from this successful thinker’s book.


Building Character

The study and practical application of the Color Code builds character and develops emotional intelligence.
Millionaires In Training strive to gain the personality traits of other colors outside their core motive.  Now that they have gone over the details of each motive, the practice of effective communication can begin.

Individuals are expanding their intelligence as they consider scenarios specifically related to their businesses.  Doing this prepares these leaders for adapting to any situation, circumstance or event. This in-depth study of self-examination and working with others is sure to improve the relationships that are required for creation and expansion of personal power.

Leaders, Mastermind, The Law of Success

Leaping through Open Doors

The leaders of the mastermind feel enthusiastic and elated because they are plugged into the Carnegie system of doing things in a certain way.  As scholars of the philosophy for success these individuals are not only able to recognize doors of opportunity but they are also leaping through these open doors with a positive mental attitude and a knowingness that every situation will ultimately result in advancement.

These Millionaires In Training are feeling good because they are following nature’s fundamental impulse: creation. The leaders continue to develop success habits that enable them to thrive and create their own reality.

Reflection Questions:

What success habits have I created?

How do I feel when I wake up in the morning? Why?


Color Pride

Participants of the mastermind take pride in knowing their respective personality color. It’s an amazing feeling to have a better understanding of your identity! Let’s not forget that discovering a  dominant personality color is only part of the growth process in learning how to interact with others.  It’s important to remember that ideally all four motives (Power, Intimacy, Peace, Fun) should be equally expressed by an individual.  This is where the work begins.

Now that you know the personality traits of your dominant color can you name the traits of the other three? What would happen if you memorized the characteristics of the other colors?  Recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the other core motives would greatly advance your personal and professional life because the new knowledge will empower you to move through all situations in perfect harmony.  Give your life a boost today by taking pride in learning about the traits that are not as present in your personality.  Familiarizing yourself with how others tick will make you an effective and productive communicator thus activating the adequate motive required to realize all achievement.

Check out more details of Dr. Taylor Hartman’s Color Code Personality Science and the do’s and don’ts of working with each color HERE.

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Control through Imagination

Millionaires In Training are changing their thinking and as a result they are changing their outcome.  Now that they are aware of when they are in control of their minds and when they are not, the growing can continue as these leaders now focus on improving overall mental attitude.

In his rare recordings, Napoleon Hill explains to us that having an obsessional desire for your definite purpose will manifest itself into your reality.  The burning desire for what we want comes from focus and repetition of an idea to the point where it is completely living in the mind.  In this audio excerpt, Hill is basically telling us how to proactively design the life that we want.  By mentally controlling the faculty known as imagination we gain the emotional state required for creation and manifesting our desires.

Reflection Question:

How do I proactively design my life?
