Leaders, The Law of Success, Uncategorized

Gracious Leaders

The leaders are calmer and feel comfort in knowing that there are universal truths that will support them as long as they remain devoted scholars of the philosophy for success.  They are recognizing that it is the small steps that will elevate them to achieving their big dreams.  Because of this recognition, the leaders feel gratitude for the smaller things in life because they have acquired a knowingness of where appreciation will get them.


Appreciation for the Philosophy

The scholars of the mastermind discuss what it is to be gracious and show gratitude.  The Millionaires In Training realize that they have been granted an extraordinary opportunity because they are learning and growing from information of which not everyone has access.  Energy on this morning’s call is upbeat and participants of the mastermind feel excited to welcome newcomers to an environment that embraces a life changing philosophy.

Reflection Questions:

What actions does a grateful person take?

How do I create a welcoming environment for a newcomer?

The Law of Success

So Much To Be Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving!!

The Millionaires In Training mastermind activates the Law of Gratitude by accepting and acknowledging that the universe will provide everything that is needed to achieve their definite purpose.  Today is the nationwide celebration of giving thanks however participants in the mastermind believe that it is important to give thanks and show gratitude every day.

Reflection Questions:

What am I thankful for?

How does gratitude relate to the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Success, Uncategorized

New Way of Thinking

Leaders of the mastermind are realizing their enlightenment as they discuss age-old principles that they are now automatically recognizing.  They are using Andrew Carnegie’s  doctrine as a guide to stay true to themselves and their goals.   The Millionaires In Training now show gratitude for the new knowledge by consistently thinking about the principles and making rewarding decisions based on their new way of thinking.

Reflection Questions:

Do I now understand concepts that I did not a year ago?

Do I believe that the principles have always been there?

The Law of Success

Appreciating Proven Principles

Those who believe have used the philosophy to create results.  The Millionaires In Training bring The Law of Success principles to life as they continue to share personal experiences of accomplishing goals despite obstacles and adversity.  You can hear the smiles on the morning phone call while the leaders speak of their gratitude for the new knowledge and give recognition to others for practically applying the instruction of Napoleon Hill.  These leaders recognize the development of others acceptance of the information because they have first recognized the same changes in themselves.

The mastermind’s positive energy is so high it is almost palpable, and more and more participants are encouraged by the realization of their own ability to awaken the internal promising qualities that will manifest all dreams into reality.

Reflection Questions:

How often can I turn frustrations into fascinations?

Have I created positive or encouraging results for myself recently?  What are they?

What habits have I changed to get me these results? What new habits have I created to get positive results?

Mastermind, Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Your State of Mind Is Everything!


An official “Aloha” from Kauai! Monday was a full day for the 3 originators of the Millionaires In Training mastermind who are on the Garden Island participating in a mastermind of their own.  These three are sending high frequency of love, gratitude and respect for the philosophy to the Millionaires In Training.

Back on the main land, the Millionaires In Training are masterminding on the subject of the importance of state of mind.  In his rare recordings, Napoleon Hill states that state of mind is everything.  The reason being that the mind is the only thing that man has complete and total control over.  The mind is your most important asset.

Hill reminds us to be thankful for the things that we do have instead of focusing on that which we do not have. Practicing gratitude every day not only allows you to keep moving forward toward achievement but also builds faith in why you wake up every morning to do your daily tasks.  The faith that comes from gratitude will allow you to overcome the tests of adversity and propel you to greatness.

Tonight, write down all of the things you are grateful for.  And then reflect on how your list of gratitude makes you feel.

Reflection Questions:

What am I grateful for? How does it make me feel?

Level 1 Training - Kevin Trudeau, Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Harmonious Cooperation

Today we come to the realization that harmony in all human relationships plays a pivotal role in increasing our frequency for the purpose of attracting what we want.  As Napoleon Hill states, our chief aim is only attainable through the harmonious cooperation with others.  This principle appears in all of the chapters of The Law of Success which further stresses that we must have an understanding of human nature and know that everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

In his Level 1 Training, Kevin Trudeau speaks of creating the habit of seeing the good in people when he says, “I never met a man I didn’t like.”  Focusing on the good qualities in people is a reflection of your mental state and shows overall gratitude for life.  Thinking positively about people changes your frequency to where you can handle all contrast because it no longer effects you.

Napoleon Hill encourages us all to do our part in learning and using the 17 principles of the Carnegie philosophy.  This doctrine aligns with the laws of nature and when we respect and show gratitude by creating these new habits, nature will respond to our effort with abundance.

Reflection Questions:

Can I listen to anyone and everyone at anytime?

Do I believe that it is important to cooperate with others?

The Law of Success


We’ve planted the seed.  Now we are fertilizing it. The Millionaires In Training mastermind is gaining a greater appreciation for Napoleon Hill’s 20 year observation of titans and pioneers of industry.  Leaders express their gratitude for the information and identify specific lessons that they have used to change their attitude and overall mindset.  The mastermind is buzzing with hope for future achievement because many of the participants have the evidence to show that the philosophy for success does in fact work.

It’s amazing to know that we have access to all of the lessons and habits that titans of industry have used. Let’s continue to engage in our own success by learning, memorizing, knowing, doing and then being the philosophy.

Reflection Questions:

Do I appreciate the lessons in The Law of Success?  Am I following the lessons?

Do I believe The Law of Success will change my life?

Leaders, Mastermind, The Law of Success

Show Gratitude

Today, participants of the Millionaires In Training mastermind examine the thought process or mindset.  Together we realize that each and every individual is truly powerful and can create any opportunity to continue growth and prosperity. Recognizing the amount of personal power we all have can be intimidating and down right scary.  This fear can be our biggest motivator if we preserver through the sentiment by confronting challenges head on with the use of the philosophy for success.

It is the information from Napoleon Hill’s The Law of Success that helps us recognize our current status and what we need to do to get to the next level.  The more we read and practically apply this wisdom the more knowledgable and courageous we will be to fight the fear and take action anyway.  Show gratitude to Carnegie’s philosophy by following through on commitments and stepping into the opportunity to change your thinking.  Be gracious and embrace the change because the information gives you the advantage to build an incredible and enjoyable life.

Reflection Questions:

As a result of being plugged into the information do I feel more in control of what I think about?

Do I feel thankful for being exposed to The Law of Success philosophy?
