Think and Grow Rich

Obsession Is the Only Way

The Millionaires In Training mastermind kicks off the week with an interesting discussion on burning desire.  Having an extreme desire or obsession for realizing a particular idea is essential for turning a dream into reality.  It is important to have an attitude that does not recognize failure and keeps the mind focused no matter the challenge or obstacles that may stand in the way.

For the untrained mind an obsession seems “unbalanced” or even “mentally disturbed”. However, the Millionaires In Training know better.  They are happy to sacrifice everything for one idea because they know that a passion for their desire is the only way to manifest it into existence.

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Reflection Questions:

What is burning desire?

What is the relationship between obsession and burning desire?

The Law of Success, Uncategorized


The mastermind discusses the ability to get to a positive mental attitude consistently.  Napoleon Hill discusses this when he explains that when the mind is focused on positive the positive will become more abundant thus consuming all negative thought.  But is this really possible?  The Millionaires In Training agree that it is possible to get to a predominantly positive mental attitude with the aid of plugging into the system.  Self-assesment helped many determine that they have yet to demonstrate the level of positivity that Hill describes, however these leaders are committed and serious about making the changes to get to the ideal state of mind.

Reflection Questions:

Is it possible for me to train my mind to focus on the positive?

How do I bridge the gap between what is possible and where I am?

How much effort am I willing to put into bridging the gap?

The Law of Success

Use It or Lose It

Self confidence is within all of us.  It is our responsibility to do the work to unleash the internal power that will take us to the next level.  The work consists of practically applying the principles from the philosophy for success on a daily basis.  Exercising these principles will enable us to change the thought frequency that shapes our attitude toward all situations, circumstances and events.

Reflection Questions:

How do I change my thought frequency?

Do I exercise the principles every day?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Give Thanks to Andrew Carnegie

Napoleon Hill reminds us that we are all capable of getting the what we want.   The mental freedom that comes with maintaining a positive mental attitude will allow us to realize Carnegie’s dream of helping the man of the street.  In his rare recordings Hill discusses the tragedy of Andrew Carnegie’s obsession with spreading his philosophy to the masses.  The richest man on the planet never actually saw the results of his tremendous influence before passing away in 1919.

Let’s pay tribute to the man who never experienced the peace of mind that he deserved.  We do this by being devoted scholars of the information so that we can develop a system of accepting positivity and rejecting all negativity. Practically apply the principles of the philosophy and your successes will eternalize Andrew Carnegie’s legacy.

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Train Your Mind to Have a PMA!

If you want to do anything worth while learn to keep your mind positive at all times.  This is the instruction of Napoleon Hill who also suggests ways of developing a strong positive mental attitude.  Transmuting every situation, circumstance and event from negative to positive is the key to controlling the faculties of your mind so that you attract the things that you desire.

Getting to the higher level of thinking that follows natural laws requires us to create certain habits of altruism and integrity.  Also, it is important to self examine daily so that we can recognize if we are reacting or responding to adversity.  When we develop our ability to accurately identify every situation for what it is we will be able to maintain that positive mental attitude that will welcome a steady flow of positive results into our lives.

Reflection Questions:

How do I feel about meeting my future self?

How I develop the habits that Napoleon Hill suggests?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Choose To Be In Control

The next 8 pleasing personality traits are:

16. Sportsmanship

17. Common Courtesy

18. Appropriateness of personal adornment

19. Good Showmanship

20. Habit of going the extra mile

21. Temperance

22. Patience

23. Gracefulness in posture

While listening to the rare recordings of Napoleon Hill, the Millionaires In Training picked up on an underlying theme: self control.  We must all exercise the discipline to not react when met with contrast.  Napoleon Hill shares an example of this behavior when he told the story of his mellow response to a waiter accidentally spilling hot soup down his neck.  The remorseful waiter appreciated Hill’s poise as he pointed out the fact that The Law of Success author could have easily made a scene to get the waiter fired on the spot.  Napoleon Hill explains that it feels good to always have a good attitude toward people at all times and points out that staying calm in any situation means that you are always in possession of yourself.

No one or thing should be able to knock you off the path to your success.  Displaying all 25 of the pleasing personality traits will have you in control of your own destiny no matter the situation, circumstance or event.  Hill explains that you always have a choice and it is your sole responsibility to choose the thinking and behavior that will take you to the top.

Reflection Questions:

Take a look at your mannerisms today, would you have had the same response as Napoleon Hill as it relates to the spilt soup?

Which character trait do you need to work on most?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

The Habit That Will Undoubtedly Bring Prosperity

If you follow the habits of nature you will never go wrong.  These are the words of Napoleon Hill who speaks about nature’s Law of Increasing Return by encouraging the habit of doing more service than paid.  He explains that going the extra mile in good faith invokes the Law of Increasing Return which will absolutely compensate your effort tenfold.

The author also reminds us that going the extra mile cannot be a forced act.  The natural law that acknowledges and rewards your actions can also punish your livelihood. Going through the motions of doing more service than paid is a reflection of a negative mental attitude and negative thinking.  This state of mind is not productive and will actually give you an abundance of what you do not want.  Napoleon Hill explains that it is the quality, quantity and attitude that will determine which direction you will go in life.

Since nature commands that every living creature go the extra mile in order to be compensated, it would be beneficial to first genuinely understand nature’s laws and then adjust ourselves to the forces that will undoubtedly improve our truth.

Reflection Questions:

What do I believe will happen if I conform to the laws of nature?

Do I need to apply the habit of going the extra mile with everyone or just with those whom I associate?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

“Can Do” Attitude

The mastermind listens to Napoleon Hill speak of his own experience of making a decision to carry out and complete his definite purpose.  In his rare recordings, Hill reveals that even though he did not know how he was going to do it he made an agreement with himself and Carnegie to carry out and complete the mission to observe and record the habits of the highly successful.

Napoleon Hill displayed that he took action with courage, faith and determination as he responded to his appointed responsibility.  This success consciousness is something that we all have the capacity to have.  As Millionaires In Training and scholars of the philosophy for success we need to focus on our definite purpose thereby maintaining a positive state of mind.  As our success conscious develops we will find ourselves with a constant positive attitude and an enduring “can do” state of mind.

Reflection Questions:

I am in a “can do” state of mind as it relates to my definite purpose?  What will it take for me to get there?

Do I use auto-suggestion to get me to complete my goals faster?  Is it working? Can I see results?

The Law of Success


We’ve planted the seed.  Now we are fertilizing it. The Millionaires In Training mastermind is gaining a greater appreciation for Napoleon Hill’s 20 year observation of titans and pioneers of industry.  Leaders express their gratitude for the information and identify specific lessons that they have used to change their attitude and overall mindset.  The mastermind is buzzing with hope for future achievement because many of the participants have the evidence to show that the philosophy for success does in fact work.

It’s amazing to know that we have access to all of the lessons and habits that titans of industry have used. Let’s continue to engage in our own success by learning, memorizing, knowing, doing and then being the philosophy.

Reflection Questions:

Do I appreciate the lessons in The Law of Success?  Am I following the lessons?

Do I believe The Law of Success will change my life?

Level 1 Training - Kevin Trudeau, The Law of Success


“When your attitude is right the facts don’t count.”  Kevin Trudeau continues to teach us the technique of deliberately choosing thoughts that make us feel good.  This particular technique helps us when we are dream building and thinking about what we want.  The objective is to filter our dreams, goals and desires through the basics, namely the “Training Balance Scale”.  To be well balanced, the philosophy for success tells us to focus on “The Why” side of the scale and pay little attention to “The How”.  When you are thinking positive thoughts and anticipating a realized dream the method in which you obtain success will come automatically.  Just keep going forward with thinking about your dream and “The How” will figure itself out.

It is important to understand that when we are considering “facts” the majority of this information is actually opinion. When you share your dream with someone and they respond by telling you that you cannot obtain it, remember that this is merely opinion turn your back on it and continue to believe that you will achieve your success. Everything that is needed for your achievement is available to you.  You cannot see it but you can feel it.  You just have to believe it before you can see it.  It is your attitude that will ultimately bring you into vibrational alignment with what you want.

Reflection Questions:

Have I ever caught myself thinking about the how? How often?

Do I believe the saying “If your attitude is right, the facts don’t count.”?

What is my chief aim? Why do I want it?

Do I think I need to change my attitude about my goals, dreams, desires? How do I do this?

Can I identify a dream stealer?  Once identified, how do I react or respond to one? Does my response take me toward or keep me away from my definite purpose?
