
Color Pride

Participants of the mastermind take pride in knowing their respective personality color. It’s an amazing feeling to have a better understanding of your identity! Let’s not forget that discovering a  dominant personality color is only part of the growth process in learning how to interact with others.  It’s important to remember that ideally all four motives (Power, Intimacy, Peace, Fun) should be equally expressed by an individual.  This is where the work begins.

Now that you know the personality traits of your dominant color can you name the traits of the other three? What would happen if you memorized the characteristics of the other colors?  Recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the other core motives would greatly advance your personal and professional life because the new knowledge will empower you to move through all situations in perfect harmony.  Give your life a boost today by taking pride in learning about the traits that are not as present in your personality.  Familiarizing yourself with how others tick will make you an effective and productive communicator thus activating the adequate motive required to realize all achievement.

Check out more details of Dr. Taylor Hartman’s Color Code Personality Science and the do’s and don’ts of working with each color HERE.

Mastermind, The Law of Success

Personal Change Leads to Financial Success

Today, the Millionaires In Training mastermind shows their appreciation for Carnegie’s philosophy by sharing stories of personal change.  Many participants think, speak and act very differently than they did just a year ago.  These changes are also very evident in the increase of the leaders’ financial success. Thank you to you, Napoleon Hill, for carrying out your mission to organize and publish this information so that we, the man of the street, can use it to become the best version of ourselves!  Andrew Carnegie may not have had peace toward the end of his life but we can image that he is resting peacefully now as Millionaires In Training continue to emit the frequency of enthusiasm and gratitude for the successes that they have earned.

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Mind Protection

Napoleon Hill encourages us to build a forcefield around the mind that shields us from energy that might derail our journey to the top.  As the Millionaires In Training build this forcefield they recognize that adopting a habit of self control will help them accomplish sound health and peace of mind.  When the highest level of self discipline is reached the mind body and spirit are in complete harmony with each other thus allowing us to have a laser focus on attracting positivity in our lives.

Reflection Questions:

What is the penalty for lack of self control?

How do I develop self control?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Leg Up Over Others 

Scholars of Carnegie’s philosophy have an edge over others because they believe it and they do it every day.  Millionaires In Training feel privileged to know about this doctrine for success and they know that simply practicing the principles will grant them a life of fulfillment.  Taking action exactly the same way as the wealthiest men on the planet will give one peace of mind.

You earn peace of mind by going the extra mile and practically applying the information no matter the situation, circumstance or event.  Many will never get to a place of mental freedom because they look for others to give it to them.   Millionaires In Training know that taking an inside out approach to everything stimulates growth and completes the formula for gaining wealth.  These leaders understand that they are responsible for their own success and their minds have the strength to withstand the opposition that may threaten their ability to achieve.  The knowingness of the power within is resiliant and gives each Millionaire In Training a major advantage to thrive and come out on top.

Reflection Questions:

What does the philosophy for success mean to me?

Do I believe that going the extra mile will give me peace of mind?

How often do I go the extra mile? Should I do more or am I doing enough?
