Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

This Will Hurt Me More Than It Hurts You

The next four character traits of a pleasing personality are as follows:

  1. Promptness of decision
  2. Faith and infinite intelligence
  3. Appropriateness of words
  4. Controlled enthusiasm

The discussion of these particular traits sparked a new cognition: our behavior towards others impacts us more than it effects them.  The mastermind alliance realizes that these mannerisms activate natural laws that will certainly bring in results tenfold.  Nature is not discriminative and will acknowledge your positive or negative efforts the same way: either with great reward or swift retribution.

This conversation will definitely cause Millionaires In Training to pause and think about the energy they are broadcasting toward others and to the universe.

Reflection Questions:

Which of the four pleasing personality traits do I excel at and which do I need to work on?

Do I agree that the behaviors that I project will effect me more than it will effect others?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

The Habit That Will Undoubtedly Bring Prosperity

If you follow the habits of nature you will never go wrong.  These are the words of Napoleon Hill who speaks about nature’s Law of Increasing Return by encouraging the habit of doing more service than paid.  He explains that going the extra mile in good faith invokes the Law of Increasing Return which will absolutely compensate your effort tenfold.

The author also reminds us that going the extra mile cannot be a forced act.  The natural law that acknowledges and rewards your actions can also punish your livelihood. Going through the motions of doing more service than paid is a reflection of a negative mental attitude and negative thinking.  This state of mind is not productive and will actually give you an abundance of what you do not want.  Napoleon Hill explains that it is the quality, quantity and attitude that will determine which direction you will go in life.

Since nature commands that every living creature go the extra mile in order to be compensated, it would be beneficial to first genuinely understand nature’s laws and then adjust ourselves to the forces that will undoubtedly improve our truth.

Reflection Questions:

What do I believe will happen if I conform to the laws of nature?

Do I need to apply the habit of going the extra mile with everyone or just with those whom I associate?

Mastermind, The Law of Success

The Mastermind Mind: An Unseen Force

You don’t have to do it all alone.  When you take advantage of the ethereal support systems available to you you will find yourself reaching your full potential easily and expeditiously.  As the Millionaires In Training mastermind briefly discusses Price Pritchett’s book Youwe find that there is yet another example of how the third mind produced by the harmonious mastermind will lift each individual to victory.  In the chapter entitled Rely on the Unseen Forces, Pritchett explains that unseen forces are the most powerful factors available to help the individual reach the highest level of greatness.

This unseen force that the author describes falls inline with Napoleon Hill’s concept of the spiritual awareness that comes with the alliance of two or more minds working together in the spirit of perfect harmony.  Recognizing the true power of the mastermind is integral in setting yourself up to win – all of the time.  This recognition means that faith in philosophy for success is at an all time high such that you give your all to your fellow mastermind participants.  Take advantage of this support system that you can’t see by going all in and you will be rewarded with endless wins.

Reflection Questions:

What does going all in mean to me?

Do I understand the power of the mastermind?  Can I see advantageous changes from the mastermind?
