Think and Grow Rich, Uncategorized

Faith Repairs Thinking

The mastermind continues the discussion on Faith and its ability to move us closer to our goals.   The Millionaires In Training are actively learning the recipe to replace chaos with creativity and strong belief in self.  The chapter on Faith allows scholars to identify false beliefs or unproductive thinking patterns.  Now that ineffective paradigms are recognized the healing can begin by replacing the negative with truths that will attract the forces required to draw in riches.

Masterkey System, The Law of Success

World Without vs World Within

Today’s discussion of the relationship between the world without and the world within is a challenging concept to fully accept. According to Charles Haanel the “world without is a reflection of the world within”.  We find that this idea of the state of our internal existence having a direct relationship to all people, circumstances and events that come into our lives is universal and has been discussed for years by authors and philosophers.  It is a universal idea – a truth.

The challenge comes when we, as scholars, learn about this principle and have to recognize the concept as our truth. This means taking complete responsibility and giving ourselves the credit we deserve by believing that we have full control over everything that comes into our reality.  We are the cause of the results that we receive.  If we want the effects to be favorable we must whole-heartedly trust this principle and actively pursue the reasoning that will attract exactly what we want.

Reflection Questions:

Do I believe that the world without is a reflection of the world within? Do I accept this as a truth?

If someone asked you “Why do you want to become a millionaire?” how would you answer?

The Law of Success, Your Wish Is Your Command

Where Do You Stand?

Scholars of the philosophy for success do things in a certain way.  This means that these Millionaires In Training read The Law of Success, listen to audio training, participate in the mastermind call, and build strong relationships with each other based on a foundation of recognition.  Those who participate in their own success practice the above mentioned activities daily because they believe that success lies within the words of Carnegie’s philosophy.

The mastermind heard from several who are actively learning the information however there were some who have yet to start the process of finding the truth of  self and the universe.  The reason for these individuals lack of engagement in self progress is not important.  What matters is what they will do next now that they see that those who are the most successful are going the extra mile in their chosen career path.  Once we know where we stand what is the next logical step to get what we want? If these people at least dedicate themselves to the Millionaires In Training mastermind they will absolutely find the answers to self progress and becoming a success magnet.

Reflection Questions:

Where do I stand?  What is my next logical step?

Do I own The Law of Success?  Am I reading it?

Do I listen to audios?

If I do not read the book or listen to audios what am I doing to get what I want?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

The Habit That Will Undoubtedly Bring Prosperity

If you follow the habits of nature you will never go wrong.  These are the words of Napoleon Hill who speaks about nature’s Law of Increasing Return by encouraging the habit of doing more service than paid.  He explains that going the extra mile in good faith invokes the Law of Increasing Return which will absolutely compensate your effort tenfold.

The author also reminds us that going the extra mile cannot be a forced act.  The natural law that acknowledges and rewards your actions can also punish your livelihood. Going through the motions of doing more service than paid is a reflection of a negative mental attitude and negative thinking.  This state of mind is not productive and will actually give you an abundance of what you do not want.  Napoleon Hill explains that it is the quality, quantity and attitude that will determine which direction you will go in life.

Since nature commands that every living creature go the extra mile in order to be compensated, it would be beneficial to first genuinely understand nature’s laws and then adjust ourselves to the forces that will undoubtedly improve our truth.

Reflection Questions:

What do I believe will happen if I conform to the laws of nature?

Do I need to apply the habit of going the extra mile with everyone or just with those whom I associate?

Mastermind, The Law of Success

Uncommon Greatness

Many members of the MIT mastermind are able to identify the breakthroughs they have had in their performance as a result of actively participating in the mastermind.  The indestructable commitment to understanding the truth behind success has expanded belief exponentially.  These individuals have faith because they know that engaging in a common purpose brings hope for future achievement.

Unwavering belief is evident in these Millionaires In Training as they choose to believe in the truth of the philosophy and recognize that the majority of outsiders will never understand this level of knowingness.  Because the information is not popular or common, those who participate in using this uncommon information and taking uncommon actions are destined for the same results that titans of industry have earned.

Reflection Question:

What do the 4 premises of the mastermind mean to me?

The Law of Success

The Truth

The mastermind is in full effect this morning as more and more members realize that participating in this alliance activates the truth of how to obtain success.  We know the philosophy for success to be true because it is commentary directly from titans of industry who used the principles to gain wealth and prosperity.  Napoleon Hill’s 20 year study showed that there was an overwhelming presence of certain standards in individuals who were affluent.

Millionaires In Training show gratitude for the information by trusting it to the point where they are applying The Law of Success doctrine to everyday life. Leaders use the mastermind to sharpen their recognition of opportunity and change their mind energy to focusing on their greater future self.

Reflection Questions:

Do I believe that the mastermind will help or hinder my cause?

Do I focus on my current reality or what my reality could be in my imagination?

The Law of Success


What is your purpose and what will be your legacy? Millionaires In Training are scholars of The Law of Success because they desire to find their truth and realize their full potential. Members of the mastermind are encouraged more than ever to not only create a pleasurable life for themselves but also provide a stable and secure environment that will benefit the generations to come.

Through reflection and self evaluation of learning the philosophy for success most of the participants voluntarily admitted that they are actively practicing the 5 components of learning (reading, writing, oral, observation and mentorship), however they also understand that there is always room to do more. These Millionaires In Training are setting up the groundwork for creating a legacy that will leave an impression on humanity.

Reflection Questions:

When did I become aware that reading, writing, oral, observation and mentorship is how I learn?

Why is the process of learning important to me?

What is my purpose?  What do I want my legacy to be?

What legacy did Carnegie leave behind?

What does each lesson in The Law of Success mean to me?

Your Wish Is Your Command

Focus On A Thought

blue universe

Think about the color blue.  How long did you think about the color? And how long did it take for other thoughts besides blue to swarm into your consciousness? This exercise performed by the mastermind revealed that our minds are constantly bombarded with different thoughts with different frequencies.  Practicing the activity of focusing on a single thought teaches us how to protect our thoughts so that we beam out what we want and cancel all other thoughts.

When you drift in and out of focus while reading, listening or observing, the multitude of your thoughts shifts the frequency that you are broadcasting to the universe.  In Your Wish Is Your Command, Kevin Trudeau reminds us that only powerful intense vibrations will produce results faster.  It’s counterproductive to let other thoughts in when you are trying to achieve a particular dream.  Accepting the Law of Attraction as our truth will compel us to gain control of our minds so that we replace negative with positive.

The speaker describes the belief in The Law of Attraction as the 10 second miracle.  The moment that we understand that our mind energy has created everything in our lives and we take 100% responsibility for all of our experiences on earth is when we become empowered.  When you know that you are the creator of your own destiny you will never be a victim and you will set yourself apart from the controlled masses.  Completely surrendering to the Law of Attraction will keep you focused on the correct side of the training balance scale and will increase desire.  Just know that you have the power to bring whatever you want into physical existence when you sit back and focus on controlling your thinking and intensely transmit with sublime trust that universal law will take care of the rest.

Reflection Questions:

Do you believe in the concept of the 10 second miracle?

Your Wish Is Your Command

You Think You Know But You Have No Idea. This Is The True Story Of The Training Balance Scale.


Kevin Trudeau has put many hours into studying this subject and now he’s sharing the highlights with us.  He explains that learning and understanding the Training Balance Scale is much like learning teachability index.  Like math, the information is built on levels and stages and it only becomes valuable when you are ready to take the next step. You cannot get to subtraction without first understanding addition just as you cannot get to training balance scale without understanding that you need a mentor and acknowledge where you stand on the teachability index.

The Training Balance Scale is comprised of two sides.  One side deals with thoughts, desires, dreams, objectives and motivation.  This side involves your thoughts and emotions.  The other side is comprised of action steps, techniques, plans, and skills. This side deals with the physical actions that you do. In other words, the scale concerns the why (feelings/thoughts) vs the how (actions).

The orator goes on to tell us that it is crucial to understand the Training Balance Scale. Full comprehension of this system will guide us through the darkness of the theory that the parasitical elite has broadcasted out to society.  This theory that the majority of society believes is that there should be a balance between both sides. This implies that when you train you should focus on motivation and procedure equally.

Trudeau points out that the promotion of this myth is the methodology that the parasitical elite uses to keep you from being financially free.  This sector of the elite class lives off of the labor of others and benefits from individuals’ stagnation.  The majority of the population has not received true information and therefore remain in the dark without ever actually realizing their dreams.

Don’t allow others to steal your dreams and desires.  Do not be a drifter and allow your thoughts to be taken over by outside influences.  Stay focused by having a mentor, acknowledging  your Teachability Index and have complete understanding of the Training Balance Scale.

Reflection Questions:

Do I understand that learning the basics is like learning math in levels and stages?

Do I know any examples of those who have yet to realize their dream?

How does this concept of the myth make me feel?

I have identified the problem but can I also identify the solution?


Your Wish Is Your Command

Fight Opposition By Reading


The ongoing discussion of “Who Do You Listen To” leads us to a history lesson of secret societies and the cause of these private groups.  Kevin Trudeau reveals that secret societies originated from the elite class’ belief that success is genetic and the secret must be kept within this affluent community.  The speaker describes a secret society as a society of people who share information and secret knowledge of how the universe works and how to use the laws of the universe to manifest your desires. These wealthy individuals aim to keep the rest of the world illiterate thereby withholding the outside world from their ability to obtain this knowledge.

In the secret society, the training of this knowledge is structured with four practices: reading books, seminars and workshops, one-on-one intimate discussions of the lessons, and the development of a mentor/apprentice relationship. Members of these societies are indoctrinated with the collective age-old knowledge of the world’s truths and command for the information to be protected and hidden from the outsider. Because of this, when certain members like Carnegie and Trudeau deviate from the secret code they receive strong opposition or even sabotage for sharing information to the man of the street.

The orator puts an emphasis on the importance of reading as a remedy for the secret society opposition.  Leaders are always readers!  Growth begins with reading and exposes you to new ideas, allows for creativity and imagination, and helps you to improve understanding of facts. If the elite withholds information through illiteracy, wouldn’t your ability to read be your greatest weapon for obtaining the secrets to financial success? Reading always keeps you in the apprentice stage which is another key ingredient in the recipe for success.

When gaining more information from reading, we must always be prepared to learn by being teachable.  The variables to measure teachability are the levels of which you are willing to learn and willing to accept change. Being teachable qualifies you to gain the know how of this valuable philosophy.

Reflection Question:

After listening to this section of Your Wish Is Your Command, what is the #1 thing that I must do?

How do I feel about the idea of secret societies that Kevin Trudeau has presented?

Do I now or have I ever bought into the concept that wealth is genetic?

