Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

You Can Do Whatever You Set Your Mind To

Take the blueprint as is.  Do not follow some principles and discard others.  Acknowledge and accept the entire model for taking the possession of the mind. In his rare recordings, Napoleon Hill is training us to condition our minds to broadcast and receive vibrations that will advance our cause.

Remaining devoted to the blueprint that Hill has given us will inevitably create the habit of deliberately choosing thoughts that make us feel good.  You do this by keeping your mind fixed on what you want all of the time.  When it truly becomes a habit your mind will absolutely refuse to pick up any vibrations that you do not want and will only accept and continue to transmit your desired state of mind.  This state of thinking is called being on the beam.

Reflection Questions:

Can I make the connection between Napoleon Hill’s argument of “what the mind can conceive, believe it will achieve” and the basics learned in Level 1 training?

How often do I think about what I want?  How often do I think about things that I don’t want?

Do I believe that I can choose thoughts that make me feel good?

The Law of Success, Your Wish Is Your Command

Boosting Our State of Mind


The mastermind discusses income levels as being a state of mind.  In order to get to the next level you must think like you are already making the income that you want.  We are guided by mentors, read books, listen to audios, build relationships and give and get recognition in order to change our mind set and develop our thinking to get us to the next level of financial success.

Your Wish Is Your Command teaches us how to get to this standard of thinking when Kevin Trudeau emphasizes the importance of having this valuable philosophy at your “mental fingertips”.  He talks about drills that are available to help us practice the information and learn it faster. When the drills are done correctly your understanding of the information will get to the unconscious competence level in record speed.  Spaced repetition of the information makes us realize there is always more room to grow and learn.  True masters know that there is much that they do not know and always seek better understanding.

Reflection Questions:

Would it be of benefit to me to use drills to learn the information from The Law of Success?

Do I believe that my income level is a state of mind?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Think and Grow Rich

Power of Now


The audio training begins today with the actual voice of Napoleon Hill as our teacher. Beginning with the 12 Riches of Life Hill gives us an overview of what the audio course covers by telling us that we have to qualify in order to receive the information. The objective is to find the secret in every lesson and you only find the secret when you are ready. The starting point for achievement is desire and this desire begins with an idea.  Hill goes on to tell us that the desire needs to be an obsession so much that you convince yourself that you will already have what you want.  You must have a burning desire to win so that you eliminate all sources of retreat and move toward achievement with persistence with such vigor that you do not even recognize failure. Failure is merely a seed for equivalent success so you must ignore your outside influences and strive for your definite purpose.

This takes self-confidence, sufficient imagination, an open-mind and courage.  These are all attributes that we have within ourselves. We just have to have the correct state of mind to tap into these qualities.  Having the blind belief that you will get what you desire is the key to attracting financial success.

To help us build a burning desire, Napoleon Hill suggests 6 steps that are essential to attaining riches:

  1. Decide the exact amount of money that you desire
  2. Decide what you intend to give in return for the money
  3. Decide a definite date of when you want this amount
  4. Create a definite plan and begin it at once regardless of how you feel about it
  5. Write out a clear statement including steps 1-4
  6. Read the statement to yourself twice a day (once when you wake up and again before you go to sleep)

The Millionaires in Training discussed this exercise and recognized the power of now.  As Napoleon Hill suggests in the 4th step, immediate action is needed in order to build the burning desire for achievement.  Are you ready to start now?

Reflection Questions:

Can I connect today’s audio with the lessons in The Law of Success?  What specific lesson is Napoleon Hill talking about?

