Think and Grow Rich

All Principles Are Interconnected

The mastermind kicks off the week by connecting the first three principles of Think and Grow Rich: Burning Desire, Faith and Autosuggestion.  Since all of the chapters in Napoleon Hill’s influential book build on each other it is feasible for the mind to process these concepts and use them to achieve.

The first three principles emphasize the importance of visualizing what you want.  Not only should you be able to clearly see what you want but you must also be able to picture the feeling that comes with having that desire.  The Millionaires In Training scholars use Think and Grow Rich to sharpen this visualization tool.  Napoleon Hill says that it takes “everlasting persistence” toward the 6 steps listed in the chapter on Burning Desire to materialize an idea.

Remaining loyal to the practice designed in Think and Grow Rich will enable you to realize your goals faster and your experience will also show you that it really does work.

Reflection Questions:

What is the benefit of using autosuggestion?

Do I believe that all principles listed in the book are interconnected?

Think and Grow Rich

Autosuggestion Influences Success

Autosuggestion not only influences success but more importantly raises our level of belief in the possibility of achieving.  Engaging in the use of repetitive self-talk gives us the control over the thoughts that get picked up by the subconscious mind.  Intentionally focusing on positive actions and thoughts will empower us to extract thoughts of fear, worry and doubt that would derail us from the journey to financial freedom.  The more we use positive self-feedback the more powerful we become!

Reflection Question:

How do I extract thought of fear, worry and doubt from my mind?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Control through Imagination

Millionaires In Training are changing their thinking and as a result they are changing their outcome.  Now that they are aware of when they are in control of their minds and when they are not, the growing can continue as these leaders now focus on improving overall mental attitude.

In his rare recordings, Napoleon Hill explains to us that having an obsessional desire for your definite purpose will manifest itself into your reality.  The burning desire for what we want comes from focus and repetition of an idea to the point where it is completely living in the mind.  In this audio excerpt, Hill is basically telling us how to proactively design the life that we want.  By mentally controlling the faculty known as imagination we gain the emotional state required for creation and manifesting our desires.

Reflection Question:

How do I proactively design my life?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Past, Present and Future Mastermind

Today, the Millionaire In Training mastermind realizes that Napoleon Hill is talking to future generations in his live lecture that took place in 1954.  Participants understand that it would be a great benefit to their individual business and personal growth to listen to and practice the visionary’s teachings over and over again until they become natural habit.

Before listening to the rare recordings of Napoleon Hill, the leaders reflect on their first mastermind.  Many dated their original masterminds back to childhood being with family, friends, teammates, religious groups, or social organizations. Reflecting on our past experience of achievement through a mastermind encourages the present self to cooperate with others in a spirit of perfect harmony for the benefit of meeting and later becoming the ideal future self.

Reflection Questions:

When was my first mastermind?  Do I now see how it was beneficial toward reaching an established goal?

Who do I believe Napoleon Hill is talking to in his rare recordings of 1954?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Embrace & Use the Power of The Mind

Creating a positive state of mind means focusing on what you want or having a definite purpose.  When the mind is fixated on a goal there is no room for negativity because negative and positive cannot co-exist in the mind.  Knowing the  information from The Law of Success activates an awareness of the power of your own mind and encourages you to embrace and use this power.

We all have the ability to take control of our minds to the level at which we can recognize paradigms that no longer serve us.  We can change our ideals by impressing chosen thoughts and ideas on the subconscious through the method of auto-suggestion.  In his rare recordings, Napoleon Hill suggests taking action on this notion by physically writing down what we want and then repeating this form of affirmation to ourselves daily. Practicing auto-suggestion with duration and consistency will bring what we want into existence because we get what we think about most of the time.

Reflection Questions:

How do I eliminate fear and doubt?

Have I written down what I want?

The Law of Success

Drilling The Information In

The mastermind strives to master The Law of Success philosophy so that goals can be reached faster.  In order to learn all of the lessons and the outlines of each lesson we are using the spaced repetition method to keep the information at our mental fingertips.  Going over each lesson and its framework allowed leaders to identify actions they have taken in their respective operations.  As the drills continue, the mastermind can see leaders progress as they realize how much they know about the principles.

Use the drilling method consistently and you will find yourself knowing The Law of Success philosophy as well as you know your own name.

Reflection Questions:

What am I trying to accomplish?

Why do I want to achieve my goals dreams and desires?

The Law of Success, Your Wish Is Your Command

Exercising Our Minds Changes Our Frequency

The mastermind continued to change the genetic frequency with two exercises.  The first was the daily drill of the first two lessons in The Law of Success. Participants were asked to write down from memory the subcategories in Definite of Purpose and Self Confidence.  Hand writing the outline was strongly encouraged because the act of printing words on paper by hand enables the brain to retain information far better than if you were to type it. After writing the first two lessons, we were asked to define each subgroup in our own terms.  The spaced repetition of writing and defining the important terms that make up The Law of Success philosophy leads us to learn what is necessary to change our thinking.  The mastermind will progress to subsequent lessons in the same format over time.

The second exercise was through Your Wish Is Your Command.  Kevin Trudeau asked his audience to “physically visualize” a dream or goal.  We were instructed to picture the desire with such detail that we can see, hear, smell and feel the experience of having it.  This visualization exercise was to further emphasize the importance of monitoring feelings when thinking about your defined dream.  The visualization of your dream should make you sublimely happy and excited.  If it does the opposite and you open your eyes feeling negative then your belief in the desire is not high enough.  Remember, in order to bring a dream into physical existence we must only focus on our defined dreams for which we have a burning desire and absolutely trust will be achieved.

Reflection Questions:

Without looking and using pen to paper:

What is first lesson in the Law of Success?  What are the first lesson’s subsections?

What is the second lesson in the Law of Success?  What are the second lesson’s subsections?

What does each subsection mean to me?

How do I feel after visualizing that I already have something that I want?

The Law of Success, Your Wish Is Your Command

Boosting Our State of Mind


The mastermind discusses income levels as being a state of mind.  In order to get to the next level you must think like you are already making the income that you want.  We are guided by mentors, read books, listen to audios, build relationships and give and get recognition in order to change our mind set and develop our thinking to get us to the next level of financial success.

Your Wish Is Your Command teaches us how to get to this standard of thinking when Kevin Trudeau emphasizes the importance of having this valuable philosophy at your “mental fingertips”.  He talks about drills that are available to help us practice the information and learn it faster. When the drills are done correctly your understanding of the information will get to the unconscious competence level in record speed.  Spaced repetition of the information makes us realize there is always more room to grow and learn.  True masters know that there is much that they do not know and always seek better understanding.

Reflection Questions:

Would it be of benefit to me to use drills to learn the information from The Law of Success?

Do I believe that my income level is a state of mind?

Your Wish Is Your Command

The Spirit of a Student



Being a perpetual student means constantly feeding your mind with information so that you can grow.  Every time you learn information and apply it to your life you are creating new neural pathways that will develop new habits, patterns and behaviors in your life.   When you have the spirit of a student, you have a high teachability index and you understand that you cannot teach something until you have truly mastered it.

You actually learn more when you practically apply the information than when you are teaching it.  This is a concept that Napoleon Hill addresses in The Law of Success.  Trudeau speaks of the power of rereading and repeatedly listening to the philosophy.  Growth comes from the development of the new neural pathways that gradually change the makeup of your mind.  The action of spaced repetition of information focuses on using the same information, however every time you receive it interpretations are different because you are evaluating the facts in a new unit of time.  As Trudeau puts it, you will be a different person tomorrow than you are today therefore you will be able to make new observations even when you are reading or listening to the same information.

Reflection Questions:

Have I ever read a book or listened to an audio series more than once?  What happens as a result?

