The Law of Success

Always a Student 

When learning information always remember to apply it to your life and stay humble as you grow from your experiences.  All true scholars of the philosophy for success remain apprentices and know that there is always more to learn.  Remain a student by focusing on the five basics and never forget to self – analyze so that you always know where you are in relation to where and who you want to be.

Reflection Question:

How do I know when I’m qualified to teach what I’ve learned?

Mastermind, The Law of Success

Now What?

You’ve just performed at the highest level that you have ever performed.  You feel extremely proud of yourself – rightfully so. Now what?  Have you reached your peak? Or do you believe you can do more?

Insecurity is loud and confidence is silent.  Many participants of the mastermind celebrate the accomplishment of surpassing their goals.  The tone of the celebration was as if some who had accomplished their goals were announcing to others that they could go above and beyond rather than acknowledging and being encouraged by their new found potential. Millionaires In Training confidently praise their success by remaining humble despite the greatness of their performance and always look to the next level.

So what’s next?  The purpose of the Millionaires In Training mastermind is to help others identify the cause of what makes us achieve at the highest level.  Because we study a philosophy that heavily depends on self examination we should always be asking ourselves if we are taking action and achieving to prove something to ourselves or to prove something to the supposed opposition of others? Remember, this is an inside job where we build certain habits that give us total control over our thoughts thus making challenge or opposition from others obsolete.

Congratulations to all who worked hard and reached or surpassed their goal for the week!  How are you appreciating your success with noise or with silence?

Reflection Questions:

Do I hear contrast from leaders on the mastermind call? If I do hear contrast is this because of my thinking or because they are trying to discourage me?

What’s next for me? What are my goals for the next quarter? The rest of the year?

Leaders, Mastermind, The Law of Success

Be the Best Me Today

The time is now! Millionaires In Training are taking charge and carrying out goals that they say they are going to accomplish. It is evident that the mastermind is thinking bigger and dreaming bigger and this evolution is allowing participants to become acquainted with their future selves.  Last week, the leaders of the mastermind performed based on higher standards as a result of their progressive thinking. Today, the leaders’ character is tested.

The leaders have produced what they set out to accomplish but will they continue to move forward to achieve even greater success for themselves?  The Carnegie philosophy encourages its scholars to always strive to be better and do better.  It’s important to remain humble and understand that there is always room for improvement and growth.  This means pushing yourself to get to the next level so that you can create the next victory.

Reflection Questions:

Did I accomplish the goals I set for myself last week? Now what?

Do I feel complacent with my current status or do I feel the urge to do more?
