Leaders, Mastermind, The Law of Success

Show Yourself What You’re Made Of

The information from Napoleon Hill’s 20 year study encourages us to find out what we are truly made of.  It’s thorough, it’s challenging, it’s empowering.  It gives us the opportunity to search within to find out the truth about ourselves.  With this developing self-awareness comes the realization that we have a choice to either improve and or stay idle.

True Millionaires In Training show that they are scholars of the philosophy for success by following through on commitments even when no one is watching.  These leaders have strengthened the faculties of their minds to remain at cause or in control when met with contrast, because they know that consistency of doing things the Carnegie way will eventually create an appealing habit.  Fear is dissipating as these individuals continue to perform acts of courage, integrity and appreciation. The Millionaires In Training are boldly stepping into the unknown because their advanced thinking enables them to identify the opportunities that others cannot see.

For those of you who are reaping the benefits of practically applying the information: Keep up the awe-inspiring work and never stop that animal ambition that will give you success beyond your wildest dreams.

Reflection Questions:

How do I feel when I find out weaknesses in myself before others do?

What do I do when I find this weakness in myself?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Train Your Mind to Have a PMA!

If you want to do anything worth while learn to keep your mind positive at all times.  This is the instruction of Napoleon Hill who also suggests ways of developing a strong positive mental attitude.  Transmuting every situation, circumstance and event from negative to positive is the key to controlling the faculties of your mind so that you attract the things that you desire.

Getting to the higher level of thinking that follows natural laws requires us to create certain habits of altruism and integrity.  Also, it is important to self examine daily so that we can recognize if we are reacting or responding to adversity.  When we develop our ability to accurately identify every situation for what it is we will be able to maintain that positive mental attitude that will welcome a steady flow of positive results into our lives.

Reflection Questions:

How do I feel about meeting my future self?

How I develop the habits that Napoleon Hill suggests?

The Law of Success, Your Wish Is Your Command

Integrity = Success


The millionaire mindset takes integrity.  We must be honest with ourselves and recognize that change comes from within. Many leaders in the Millionaires In Training mastermind have taken responsibility for their thinking and their actions and have made the decision to always follow through on their commitments.  They continue to complete what they start and strive to learn and improve.

The mastermind continues to appreciate the philosophy from The Law of Success and Your Wish Is Your Command because it builds us all as individuals.  Using the information from Napoleon Hill’s 20 year study helps us strengthen integrity so that we can realize the idea that we can be, do and have whatever we want.  Each participant in Millionaires In Training is an independent thinker studying the information because they understand that they are perpetual apprentices at the unconscious competent stage of thinking as it relates to achieving financial freedom.

Using The Law of Success to answer questions about your business takes integrity because you are not pretending to know how to solve problems by yourself.  Instead, you look to those who have been where you are and have what you want to guide you. The leaders of the mastermind use the information because they are devoted to learn more for the purpose of mastering the basics.  They are believers and therefore they are achievers.

Reflection Question:

Do I follow through on my commitments in my business?  If I say I’m going to do something, do I do it?  How often?

Can I recognize certain habits that I need to change and can I commit to changing them with the help of a mentor and using the information from The Law of Success?

Can I recognize that I have beliefs that need to be explored and examined as it relates to my business?
