Mastermind, The Law of Success

No Competition. Only Creation.

The mastermind agrees that there is no competition – only creation.  Nature shows us that there is an abundance of everything and there will always be enough for us to win.  There is no limit to what is available for us all.  Once we know and understand this concept we must focus on our mindset so that we can receive achievements in abundance.  We can all create our own success and together we will rise to the top!

Reflection Questions:

What am I doing with my freedom today that will make a difference tomorrow?

Do I believe that there is no competition?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Train Your Mind to Have a PMA!

If you want to do anything worth while learn to keep your mind positive at all times.  This is the instruction of Napoleon Hill who also suggests ways of developing a strong positive mental attitude.  Transmuting every situation, circumstance and event from negative to positive is the key to controlling the faculties of your mind so that you attract the things that you desire.

Getting to the higher level of thinking that follows natural laws requires us to create certain habits of altruism and integrity.  Also, it is important to self examine daily so that we can recognize if we are reacting or responding to adversity.  When we develop our ability to accurately identify every situation for what it is we will be able to maintain that positive mental attitude that will welcome a steady flow of positive results into our lives.

Reflection Questions:

How do I feel about meeting my future self?

How I develop the habits that Napoleon Hill suggests?

Mastermind, The Law of Success

Be a True Participant of the Mastermind

Napoleon Hill’s second premise of the mastermind is described as “an active alliance of two or more minds in the spirit of perfect harmony for the obtainment of a common objective stimulates each individual mind to a higher degree of courage that which is ordinarily experienced and prepares the way for the state of mind known as faith.”  By simply being involved in this Millionaires In Training alliance individuals will receive a heightened sense of courage thereby enabling them to act without doubt or fear.

What does it take to call yourself “involved in” or a “participant of” the mastermind?  True members of the Millionaires In Training mastermind have the ability to harmonize with others, they are teachable,  they share their personal experience of practically applying the information and most importantly, these individuals have 100% focus.  The mastermind will only benefit the members who exhibit the above mentioned characteristics as they take action that is in line with natural laws – a qualification for success according to Napoleon Hill.  The mastermind generates the high frequency of knowingness among its participants thereby empowering each individual to achieve collectively.

Reflection Question:

What does this second premise mean to me?

Mastermind, Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

The Extra Mile

Napoleon Hill continues to encourage us to align ourselves with natural law in his rare recordings.  We will never go wrong if we simply follow that habits of nature.  One law, for example, that will always serve and benefit our cause is the Law of Increasing Return.  This law gives you blessings based on the amount of effort you put into something or someone.  Hill calls it the habit of going the extra mile.  When you go out of your way to contribute your services nature will recognize your efforts with an abundance of growth, opportunity and prosperity.

The Millionaires In Training mastermind is harmoniously evolving into a group where peers are uplifting each other and using the habit of cooperation to generate success.  All participants are going the extra mile for one another and as a result the universe has acknowledged them by presenting greater opportunities and financial success.

Reflection Questions:

Do I believe that going the extra mile will benefit my business?  Why or why not?

What is my understanding of the Law of Increasing Return?
