The Law of Success

All Based on What You Do

It starts with you — the leader.  If you want to build yourself and a team around you to be a well oiled machine that produces nothing but success and achievement you must create an environment on that which you have a burning desire.  You attract what you take action on and your actions are based on your mindset.  Take a look at what you are doing because your actions reflect what the rest will do.

Reflection Questions:

What am I doing that will attract what I want?  Did I get on the mastermind call? Did I go to work today?

Do I read everyday? Do I listen to audios everyday? Do I attend meetings everyday? Do I give recognition everyday?

The Law of Success

2016 Here We Come!

The Millionaires In Training are physically in 2015 but mentally they are already thinking about their future selves in 2016. The leaders are building the future in their minds as they reflect on where they were, where they are now and where they want to go.  It is clear that studying the philosophy for success has changed the individuals of the alliance.

Reflection Question:

What new habit have you developed as a result of plugging into the mastermind?

The Law of Success

The Team is the Reflection of the Leader

The mastermind reaffirms that teamwork creates prosperity.  It is important to work harmoniously with others for the achievement of a common goal.  In order to determine if you are an effective leader you must look at your organization and see if the individuals work together in harmony or separately in chaos.  Whatever the case, your team is a direct reflection of what you do as a leader.  The challenge is stepping into the roll of a true commander and taking responsibility for every result that the group produces.

Good leaders have a strong sense of self confidence.  The second premise of the Self Confidence Formula that exceptional leaders will memorize is:

Second: I realize that the dominating thoughts of my mind eventually reproduce themselves in outward, bodily action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality; therefore I will concentrate my mind for thirty minutes daily upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to be, creating a mental picture of this person, and then transforming that picture into reality through practical service.

Reflection Questions:

Why does Napoleon Hill mention cooperation in Initiative and Leadership?

How can I evaluate if I am doing well as a leader?

Masterkey System, The Law of Success

World Without vs World Within

Today’s discussion of the relationship between the world without and the world within is a challenging concept to fully accept. According to Charles Haanel the “world without is a reflection of the world within”.  We find that this idea of the state of our internal existence having a direct relationship to all people, circumstances and events that come into our lives is universal and has been discussed for years by authors and philosophers.  It is a universal idea – a truth.

The challenge comes when we, as scholars, learn about this principle and have to recognize the concept as our truth. This means taking complete responsibility and giving ourselves the credit we deserve by believing that we have full control over everything that comes into our reality.  We are the cause of the results that we receive.  If we want the effects to be favorable we must whole-heartedly trust this principle and actively pursue the reasoning that will attract exactly what we want.

Reflection Questions:

Do I believe that the world without is a reflection of the world within? Do I accept this as a truth?

If someone asked you “Why do you want to become a millionaire?” how would you answer?

Mastermind, The Law of Success

Masterminds of the Past

After reflecting on masterminds of the past we now see that the invisible power that lifted us up to achieve a goal was a result of participation of an alliance that moved in perfect harmony.  Napoleon Hill’s 5th premise of the mastermind is described as “a matter of established record that all individual success based on any kind achievement above mediocracy are obtained by the mastermind principles and not by individual effort alone.”  As a group we remember the moments where we performed at a higher level and thought we did it on our own.  Now we understand that these moments where we exhibited uncommon acts of courage, faith, belief and knowledge were actually a manifestation of the unseen force from a mastermind alliance.

Members recall their past acts of greatness with phrases like “for whatever reason” or “I don’t know what got into me”.  At the time, these Millionaires In Training had no idea that they were in fact tapping into a frequency that enabled them to rise up to victory.  Hearing real examples of success from past masterminds inspires and encourages us to give full effort to today’s harmonistic Millionaires In Training mastermind.  Our real life experiences of achievement allows us to appreciate the fact that the mastermind does not fail and will without a doubt give us the extra oomph needed to succeed.

Reflection Questions:

What is the first mastermind that I can recall?

Can I see the parallels between my success as a result of past masterminds and my current success as a result of the MIT mastermind?

The Law of Success


What is your purpose and what will be your legacy? Millionaires In Training are scholars of The Law of Success because they desire to find their truth and realize their full potential. Members of the mastermind are encouraged more than ever to not only create a pleasurable life for themselves but also provide a stable and secure environment that will benefit the generations to come.

Through reflection and self evaluation of learning the philosophy for success most of the participants voluntarily admitted that they are actively practicing the 5 components of learning (reading, writing, oral, observation and mentorship), however they also understand that there is always room to do more. These Millionaires In Training are setting up the groundwork for creating a legacy that will leave an impression on humanity.

Reflection Questions:

When did I become aware that reading, writing, oral, observation and mentorship is how I learn?

Why is the process of learning important to me?

What is my purpose?  What do I want my legacy to be?

What legacy did Carnegie leave behind?

What does each lesson in The Law of Success mean to me?

Napoleon Hill Audio - Rare Recordings, The Law of Success

Past, Present and Future Mastermind

Today, the Millionaire In Training mastermind realizes that Napoleon Hill is talking to future generations in his live lecture that took place in 1954.  Participants understand that it would be a great benefit to their individual business and personal growth to listen to and practice the visionary’s teachings over and over again until they become natural habit.

Before listening to the rare recordings of Napoleon Hill, the leaders reflect on their first mastermind.  Many dated their original masterminds back to childhood being with family, friends, teammates, religious groups, or social organizations. Reflecting on our past experience of achievement through a mastermind encourages the present self to cooperate with others in a spirit of perfect harmony for the benefit of meeting and later becoming the ideal future self.

Reflection Questions:

When was my first mastermind?  Do I now see how it was beneficial toward reaching an established goal?

Who do I believe Napoleon Hill is talking to in his rare recordings of 1954?

The Law of Success

Reflection and Recognition

 good day to be a mil in train

The Millionaires In Training mastermind call was empowering as leaders were recognized for their practical application of Definite of Purpose and Self Confidence.  These leaders have changed their their thinking to form habits based on the philosophy in the Law of Success.  They have reached the state of blind trust in achievement to the point where they have taken themselves to the next level of success by continuing to plug into the system and leading from the front every day. They have reached a state of unconscious competence in their business to produce a level of results that allow them to command their dreams into physical reality like buying a new car.  The sky is the limit to what these scholars of the information can do.  They are far from what they once were but are not yet what they are going to be. The journey to being financially free looks positive and exciting as the leaders continue to stay on the beam and accomplish their goals.

Reflection Questions:

Can I recognize if I am applying Definite of Purpose and Self Confidence to my business?

Can I identify what actions I am taking to practically apply the philosophy to my business?

If I am not one of the leaders who was recognized today, am I communicating and learning from at least one person who has evidence of accomplishing their goals? To take it a step further, have I asked one of these leaders to be my mentor?
